Sauratown Trails Association
The Sauratown Trails are now open for 2024
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The Sauratown Trail is a unique 25 mile bridle and hiking trail that connects Hanging Rock and Pilot Mountain State Parks. It is an official section of the North Carolina Mountains-to-Sea Trail, and is maintained by the Sauratown Trails Association. Our trail is unique because we rely on the generosity of private landowners who allow us to build, use and maintain trails on their property. The trails may be used by all horseback riders and hikers regardless of whether or not they are a STA member. The trails are located in Stokes and Surry Counties in north-central North Carolina.
Trails are open when...
The Sauratown Trails are open most of the year to all horseback riders and hikers. Bikes and motorized vehicles are not allowed. For your safety, the trails are closed only during deer hunting season (November to January) and wet, muddy conditions. When the state parks close their trails due to wet weather, Sauratown Trails are also closed. Please check the State Park websites for trail closure notices if there is any question. Pilot Mtn State Park Hanging Rock State Park
Parking Lot Directions
Currently there are 5 parking areas. Four of the parking areas are for horse trailers and cars, and one small area on Rockhouse Rd. is for cars only. They are listed here in order of largest to smallest.
- Old Winston Rd/Coon Rd
- Surry Line/Pinnacle Hotel Parking
- Tories Den
- Brims Grove
- Rockhouse Rd. - cars only
Trail Signs & Markers
A Guide to the Sauratown Trail
Signs & Markers
Camping on the trail is not allowed, however, there are several locations near
the trail where you can stable your horse or put up a tent and camp
overnight for a small fee. Please check the websites
below for availability and fees.
- Mountain Trail Stables
- Pilot Knob Inn
- Bregman's Trail Riding
- Jomeokee Campgrounds (people camping only)
Additionally, Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail
maintains a list of local volunteers who offer assistance to
hikers in the way of local information, lodging, food and
shuttle services.
Here is a link to the Trail Angels Info. (See Segment 7
for the Sauratown Trail)
You can also camp at Pilot Mtn. and Hanging Rock state parks if you are hiking only.
Laura and Tricia riding on trail section 13
Consider Donating to these trails...
If you enjoy the Sauratown Trails and would like to assist us in the cost of maintaining these trails, please consider making a donation through PayPal. Your donation is tax deductible as we are a registered 501c3 non-profit organization